Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ruwe Takes To The Streets Of Chicago...

This Sunday I will be participating in the Chicago Marathon.  I'm not a runner, I never really have been, in fact I kind of dislike running!  However, This Nike Own Chicago 26.2 video inspired me and I impulsively signed up (or I just like to torture myself...j/k) for the marathon.  My friend/travel buddy/Sagittarius twin also encouraged me to sign up by agreeing to come visit and run the race with me (although I don't know if I'd say run with me as she is probably faster than I am, but we are going to try to do it together!).

I thought I would post about the marathon on my travel blog, as the marathon really helps you get out of your comfort zone (literally) and see parts of the city you don't normally venture to.  This Sunday, Kelley and I will be participating with 45,000 people from around the world to explore 26.2 miles of Chicago, running through 29 different neighborhoods...talk about seeing a city!  I'm actually pretty excited and maybe slightly nervous about the run!

Training this summer has been a bit of a roller coaster of ups and downs, with some really strong great runs and some not so great runs.  It was pretty hot here this summer, but I tried to get out and run as much as I could.  While I was nervous to train on my own (I easily can talk myself out of working out!) I actually really enjoyed it!  I saw the city a little differently this summer as I spent most of my Saturday mornings among fellow active residents of Chicago.  One of my favorite places in the city is the lake front and I had some quality time there this summer!  I loved running both north and south and seeing so many active people out, taking in the skyline, and enjoying the water!   While I mostly explored the lakefront path, I did try to switch up my route so I wouldn't get bored and see new parts of the city.  The city has really been building up some of the beaches on the south side, and it is pretty quiet and peaceful down there.  I may just have to find a spring race to do so I can take in more of the city!

The thing I love most about the marathon is the support from the city.  This actually will be my second Chicago Marathon and I remember being in awe with the number of people that came out to cheer on the runners when I last ran.  The spirit of the marathon takes over the city!  I'm a little nervous and excited for the big day this Sunday!  Wish me luck!

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